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Today's Ecommerce moves at breathtaking speed on a global scale. Telecommunication technology has globalized economies and opened enormous markets. Indeed, the power of the Internet can make the smallest business an international presence. However, to stay competitive in this global village, your message, your vision, and your products have to be understood by everybody, regardless of their language or culture. Check out the facts to catch a glimpse of the global e-trend.

  • Business Web users are three times more likely to buy when addressed in their own language. -- Forrester Research

  • Business-to-consumer e-commerce in Europe is expected to grow from $126 million in 1997 to more than $5 billion in 2002, while business-to- business e-commerce will expand from $1 billion in 1997 to more than $30 billion in 2001. -- Giga Information Group

  • By 2001, more than 57 million Europeans will be connected to the Net from home, school, and the office. Consumers and businesses will account for $64.5 billion in European online sales by 2001. -- Forrester Research

  • By the year 2002, non-English speaking users will make up over 50% of the total online population, and 70% by the year 2004. -- International Data Corporation

  • By 2003, 65% of Web users will be international, and the United States will account for less than half of worldwide Internet commerce. -- International Data Corporation

  • 92% of the world's population are not native-English users. -- World Almanac

  • Companies must tailor their Web sites to match the language, culture, and monetary units of a country or risk losing their audience. We keep having conversations with European clients on whether they can get away with English on the Web . . . the conclusion is you have to have the native language. -- Andersen Consulting

  • Ecommerce revenue in Europe will surge to over USD8 billion by 2004, up from USD35.8 million in 1997. -- Frost & Sullivan

  • Internet access in China is expected to surge to 9.4 million users by 2002, up from 1.4 million in 1997. -- International Data Corporation

  • Non-native English speakers make up the fastest growing group of Internet users. -- New York Times

  • Non-US e-commerce will shift from 14% of the total worldwide revenues to 37% by 2002. -- International Data Corporation

  • Out of Japan's total population of 125 million, the latest forecasts from International Data Corp. show 8 million people are online. That number is expected to quadruple by 2003, reaching nearly 32 million. And online buying will also boom: from $2 billion in 1998 to $45 billion in 2003. Although that figure is just a small slice of IDC's U.S. e-commerce forecast of $707 billion, Japan's 87 percent annual growth rate will beat the expected 80 percent U.S. growth rate. -- Industry Standard

  • The global e-commerce market is forecasted to grow from $13 billion in 1997 to $1.2 trillion by 2001. -- Coopers & Lybrand

  • The number of non-U.S. net users will increase by nine-fold over the next five years, from 16.4 million in 1997 to 143 million by the year 2002, representing an annual growth rate of 70%. If we add in U.S. figures for a total worldwide picture, the growth rate will more than quintuple, from 44 million in 1997 to 228 million by 2002. -- eMarketer

  • Today, more than 20 percent of traffic on American Web sites comes from outside of the United States. -- Jupiter Communications

    With GlobalListing's full service of Web marketing, your business can go global. Contact us to discuss as how we can help you with your multi-language Web marketing strategy!

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