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  • Armchair Scientist - Doing science being comfortably seated in your own armchair, keeping up with the most advanced researches, sharing your work with scientists everywhere in the world, exchanging ideas, theories, challenges.

  • Catalyst, The - Brown University - interdisciplinary magazine focusing on bridging the gap between the sciences and humanities, as well as within the disciplines of science. Includes research, reviews, artwork, fiction and poetry.

  • Empowermed, Inc. - Empowermed, Inc. is a professional health and medical information service creating completely customized health and medical reports. Empowering our clients with traditional and alternative health and medical knowledge. In working very closely with each of our clients we are able to create reports that are designed to deal with the unique conditions that each individual case raises. All reports are structured around the best information and sources that thorough research can provide.

  • Issues in Science and Technology - publishes articles that analyze current topics in science, technology, and health policy, and recommends actions by government, industry, academia, and individuals to solve pressing problems.

  • Kybernetes Journal On-line - An international journal for the systems and cybernetics communities. The official journal of the UNESCO recognised, World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC).

  • New Zealand Science Monthly - general-interest New Zealand science and technology magazine aimed at general public, with news and features, education section, profiles, opinion pieces, puzzles, competitions, photographs.

  • OR/MS Today - bi-monthly publication providing a comprehensive look at operations research and management science through news stories, feature articles, case-studies, software reviews and surveys.

  • Revista Fator GIS - especializada em Geoprocessamento, distribuída por assinatura; trata de cartografia, sensoriamento semoto, GIS, GPS, promove o GIS BRASIL anualmente: Brazilian Geoprocessing magazine.

  • Science and the Environment - A Learning Tool - educational resource designed for high-school and university teachers (and students) who are looking for current news on the environment to supplement their texts and lesson plans.

  • William Calvin's Science Surf magazine - by the author of The River That Flows Uphill and "The emergence of intelligence", emphasizing psychology, brains, evolution, and climate change.

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