CONCEPTS: Include concept keywords such as "telephone" if that's what you sell, but also try and be specific enough so that its not too broad.
BRANDS: Include more specific brand names such as Nokia.
COMPANY NAMES: If you offer products from a well known company, include that company's name in your keywords.
YOUR NAME: Unless you are a well known company/organization such as AT&T, its generally less important to emphasize your name as a keyword. You should, however, setup an "About My Company/Organization" page that does repeat your name many times so that someone searching for you will find that page.
COMMON WORDS: Search on many common words such as "software" or "Internet" are going to be completely ignored for that search by the engine!
TEST KEYWORDS: Before you even start a new Internet Web site (or even after), you should see how many other pages match the keywords people would likely search on to find you. The fewer matches found for your search, the easier it will be to get your name up near the top.
PHRASES: Make a list of 2-3 word phrases people are likely to search for. When placing keywords on your page, make sure you always include them in a phrase that the visitor might use.
CASE-SENSITIVITY: Make sure you have at least some of the keywords in uppercase or starting with an uppercase letter if the user might search in that way.
BAD SPELLING CAN BE GOOD: Look for obvious mistakes people are likely to make and then incorporate some of them into one of your pages in some way to pick up traffic you'd otherwise miss.
MONITOR YOUR WEB SITE LOG REPORT: Some Web site log reports now report counts on how many people found you on each search engine and what keyword(s) they used to find you. This can be very helpful in determining what keywords people are definitely using to find your site.